League Softballs

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League Softballs

Post by sixofdiamonds »

The league supplies a new softball for each and every game. If that new ball should be hit over the fence or out of play, a backup ball is used. The league is currently in crisis mode with backup ball supply. I don't know why we are in crisis mode, but we are and something needs to be done. The league is paying for someone to go out and retrieve out-of-play balls each and every week. Still, backup ball supply remains at an all time low. In all my years running the league I have never seen this happen.

As a league we've played almost 600 games so far this year. That equates to 600 backup balls. Where are they? Someone could be going out there stealing our backups. Players could be accumulating them in their bat bags for batting practice. Scorekeepers could be unwittingly hoarding them in the trunks of their cars. I don't know. Whatever the reason, the league needs help in resolving this issue. If you are a scorekeeper and have more than just a few backups, please drop your surplus off to Nancy at the Quarry snack bar. If you have more than 1 or 2 league softballs in your bat bag, please drop your surplus off to Nancy at the Quarry snack bar. If you are going out there and stealing league softballs, you will be shot on sight (just kidding). If league members could be kind enough to retrieve out-of-play balls as they get hit out of play, that would help. If you have a hazmat suit or are not allergic to poison ivy, maybe you could head over to Lukens 1 and 3 and dig around in the brush. I'm sure there's a mother load of softballs there. Every little bit will help and the league would greatly appreciate it if league members could chip in.

Thank you,

Les Greenstein
League Director
Softball America
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Re: League Softballs

Post by Geno8121 »

Talk to the Commission they hit them all over the fence 😂😂😂
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Re: League Softballs

Post by Raypan »

Where's Elliott when you need him? LOL!
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Re: League Softballs

Post by sixofdiamonds »

Haha, Eliot was amazing. If there were 10 softballs out there he'd come back with 15.
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Re: League Softballs

Post by Flash »

I may be accidentally contributing to this, I didn't realize the league paid for their retrieval and I've got a duffel bag full of them (all from Quarry). I'll leave a couple bags worth back at the snack stand as soon as I can.
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Re: League Softballs

Post by sixofdiamonds »

That would be great, Alex. Thank you.
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Re: League Softballs

Post by sixofdiamonds »

Our supply of backup balls remains low. I pay someone to retrieve balls hit out of play each and every week, but it seems that's not enough to maintain the supply side of things. If league members could be kind enough to retrieve out of play balls as they are hit (especially at Hatfield), it would help. Also, if you have more than 2 league softballs in your bag, consider dropping some off to any scorekeeper at any ball field.

With close to 700 games played this year and a new ball used for each and every game, a large majority of those new balls should have worked their way into the league backup supply. Unfortunately, they have not. Why? I don't know.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Re: League Softballs

Post by Djkallday »

I show up to quarry to do BP early sometimes and 2 weeks ago there were about 25ish balls thrown into a neat pile in left center like someone went back and tossed a bunch over. I put them all into a container near the shed, but honestly they were not in great shape. A lot of the balls are making it into the little creek. Also doesn’t help that i can’t step foot back behind the fence there without accumulating several hundred ticks.

I’m at the games early so I try to run and grab any dingers or fouls and get them back to the ump but nighttime with the green grass/green balls make it tough. I have a feeling we’ll be finding a ton during the fall.
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Re: League Softballs

Post by sixofdiamonds »

If you have more than just a couple in your bat bag, please drop them off at the Quarry snack bar. If a ball gets hit out of play, please run it down. Every little bit helps.
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Re: League Softballs

Post by sixofdiamonds »

The ball we are currently using is the perfect ball. HR hitters hit them out. Non HR hitters do not. The impact on the body when hit by the current 52/300 is a lot less than the 47/375 we used to use. And as one league member just pointed out, they don't dent bats!
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Re: League Softballs

Post by TK15 »

I don't even like hitting the 47/375s in bp because of the wear on singlewall bats. I think given the circumstances, any 52/300 ball would do. You can find a dozen here or there online, Dudleys, Rocks, etc. but I'm guessing buying a dozen at a time isn't very cost effective.
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