Quarry Chip 22

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Moderator: shaners30

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Quarry Chip 22

Post by shaners30 »

Game 1
Commission vs Hooligans

Top 1 Hooligans get 5 - 3 singles start game Rbi hanna - Birky homers for 3 - Wolf gets rbi on sac. Bottom 1 ashworth and kelley go b2b with solo homers - Villano doubles- scores on Motts single/ Bottom 2 lyons ash get on with single and walk - score both on vilanno single. Top 3 - Hanna homers for 1 - Birky goes b2b. Cam singles and Poore homers for 2 to retake lead. Bottom 4 single walk combo load 2 for PK - doubles in both. and Villano singles for 1 more. Top 5 4 straight singles start inning - Poore walk rbi - wolf sinles in 2. Ingram with hit plates 2 more to cap 7 run inning. Bottom 6 Tom M singles - lyons hits on - Ash sac - Kelley homer for 2. Top 7 Ingram doubles in 1 Rider caps Rbi with hit for 18 - down 7 in the bottom - Peck gets on to start - Thompson double TomM single RBI. Runner rbi Lyons doubles to score him. Ash triple scores 1 - PK doubles for 1 more - but fall just short.

Hooligans 18 - Commission 16

Game 2

Top 1 - Lyons singles to start - Ash homers for 2. Bottom 1 - Koelzer single Hanna homers for 2. Top 3 - error starts inning - scores on PK hit. Bottom 4 - Hanna leads with single - Birlky double Poore singles scores 2. Top 5 Ash leads with double, Villano scores him on hit. Peck and gret both get on - Tom single scores both them for 2 more. Motts then singles to score 2 more for 5. Top 6 commisiom keep pressure up - Ash singles - error and double by porter bring in 2. Peck single Rbi. Bottom 6 - Hanna leads with solo - birky walks - scores on Poore hit. Top 7 Commision is held to 11. Bottom 7 and down 5 - Hooligans get 4 straigh singles - Rbi Bozek - Koeszer sac scores 1 more - Birky walk loads - Cam then doubles to score 2. a walk moves winning run to 2nd - Wolf singles to left and cam scores from 2nd for the win.

Hooligans 12 - Commission 11.

Mayhem - Spring 22' Champs
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