Spring' 23 Finals - Hatfield 6/15/23

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Moderator: shaners30

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Spring' 23 Finals - Hatfield 6/15/23

Post by shaners30 »

Game 1
Sex Panthers vs Dirty Dozen.

Sex Panthers would strike first with a 3 run bomb by Hott - followed with a solo for Zazac and triple by Lelli - plizka rbi single in the 7 spot and SP adds 5. Top 2 and another single /walk combo allow Hott to clear again for 2nd homer of day. Top 3 Panthers keep bats rolling. 3 singles start the inning to load bases - Sac fly by Gallager - 2 Rbi singles follow and Hott doubles which brings 2 more in to cap 5 more runs. Bottom 3rd - Dirty Dozen gets on board - error gets first man on - Homer by Gibson puts to across. Hibbert woudl double to follow and scofres on a error for 3rd run. Bottom 4 - another error alows man on - scores on Dangelo single and gluck doubles him home - for 2nd run. DD gets 1 in the 5th on a Freeman triple Rbi and in the 5th - back to back hrs by Delisa and Hildradnt close the lead to 5. Top 7 - plizja triples and scores on next at bat - single and sac plate 1 more. Top line up - Fcot doubles - Keller hits in 2 on his single. Hott homers for the 3rd time for 2 more as 8 runs cross for 21. Down a bunch in the bottom - 2 quick outs start inning - a dart double and gibson single rbi, lead way for 2 more singles to follow - bases clearing double adds 3. Delisa RBi hit - another single folloows and Hibbert singles to score 1 but a baserunning issue ends game.

Sex Panthers 21 - Dirty Dozen 14

Game 2

Different sex panthers team game 2 - as they go scoreless first 2 innings - DD gets 2 in the 2nd - 2 singles started inning - 3rd hit scores 1 and a single by georgiadis plates 2nd. Top 3 - akers leads off with double - scores on a freeman sac - Dart hits on and delissa homer clears for 2 more. Sexpanthers still quuie up to the 5th. Top 4 gluck leads with doule scores on goerdiordia double - single walk sace plate 3 - Dart 2 rbi double -caps a 5 inning ralley. Glucj homers in the 5th for 2. Zajac solo in the 6th plates 2nd run for Sex Panthers -.DD keeps the lead going he 6hw3more Rbi double by Hibbert. Top 7 Dirty adds 5 more to a game already out of reach - all walks and singles at this point. Foct homers for 3 for SP in the 7th but the game was too far out of reach -

Dirty Dozen 21 - Sex Panthers 5

Game 3

Foct starts up with a double - Keller hits him onver and Hott RBi gets first run in. Bottom 1 Dart solo ties game back up. Bottom 2nd startswith an error -2 singles and another error let 2 runs cross - Georgardis sac for the 3rd run. Top 3 Panthers turn the line up over - 3 singles from lead off load bases - Zajac granny clears for the HR and the lead. Lelli follows with his own HR gallagher doules - larosa triple scores him and SPs put up 7. Bottm 3 akers and freemen single - dart clears with a triple. Scores on hildebrandt sac and a dangelo rbi double adds the 4th run. To the 4th - SP get 5 singles and 2 runs and in the 5th - Keller singles on Hott homers for 2 to put SP up by 4. Bottom 5 DD answrrs - Akers leads off with double - scores on Freemnan double. Dart clears for HR - Hibbert double scores on Dangelo hit - Ivers drives in 1 run on double himself for a 6 run 5th and regain of lead. Bottom 6 Akers leads off again whtha single - Freeman homers him in for 2. Dart double and socres on Hildebrandt homer - hibbert doubles to follow scores on dangelo hit and a 5 run 6th pads the lead. - Down 7 - top 7 - only 3 singles follow to plate 1.

Dirty Dozen 19 - Sex Panthers 13
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