League Leaders

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League Leaders

Post by sixofdiamonds »

The formulation of League Leader statistics across each division and conference has changed. You will notice individual leaders are now sorted by RUNC (runs created) instead of AVG (batting average). I believe this is a much better indicator of a player's seasonal accomplishments. Sorting just by AVG (batting average) had the tendency to place unqualified players with only a handful of ABs toward the top of the list. Sorting by RUNC eliminates that tendency.

If your name was at the top of the League Leader list while batting 850 with only 12 ABs and you notice it has dropped down on the list, you now know why.
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Re: League Leaders

Post by wdshipe »

Thanks, Les!

RUNC is a great statistic which estimates the number of runs a hitter contributes to their team.

Just to remind folks how RUNC (runs created) is calculated in SBA:
RUNC = (TB + 0.26BB + 0.52SACF) x OBP

In SBA, RUNC is also used to determine all-star status for the next year (RUNC/G, actually). RUNC does favor extra-base hitters, which makes sense since extra bases do lead to a team scoring more runs. Note that RUNC does not consider R or RBI – they are literally not part of the equation. R and RBI are influenced by where a batter hits in the batting order (or how stacked/non-stacked the team is). To me the beauty of RUNC is that it accounts for things that the batter can control and not the things that they can’t control.
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