Eddie Requirements / Batting Outs

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Eddie Requirements / Batting Outs

Post by sixofdiamonds »

There are 2 very distinct instances with regard to eddie requirements where a batting out is to be taken by a team. The first is when a team fails to meet eddie requirements. In this instance, a team is to take a batting out for each infraction. In other words, if the team is short an eddie, the team will take a batting out each time the missing eddie's at-bat comes up. NOTE: Not more than 2 batting outs shall be taken for any one line-up.

The second instance is when a team is found to be in default of eddie requirements. This is different than the first instance in that the team has the ability to meet eddie requirements, but for one reason or another failed to do so. The rule reads as follows: If while a game is in progress, a team is found to be in default of any roster requirement, the defaulting team must take immediate remedial action and shall start their next inning with 1 out; recorded as a team out not affecting the batting order.

The reason for this explanation is to clarify a situation that has arisen on more than one occasion in the early going this year. I offer the following example:

A manager has a female eddie that will be arriving late to the game. This eddie is needed to meet eddie requirements. The team can only field 2 females. The 2 females must play a position other than catcher and the will take a batting for the missing female. When the missing female arrives, the manager can put her right into the game. If on defense at the time, she can be added as the 10th fielder. If on offense, she can move right into her place in the lineup and a batting out no longer need be taken.


Effective 03/31/08, league rules regarding the 4-4-3 rule has been reworded to help clarify the requirements. A team may field more than 3 females if it is their choice to do so. There is no requirement to bat or field a male eddie.

Old wording...
LINE-UPS: All coed teams must adhere to the 4-4-3 Rule. The 4-4-3 Rule: 4 eddies must be in the batting line-up at all times, 4 eddies must be in the field at all times, 3 of the fielding eddies must be female. Failure to comply will result in a batting out for each infraction. A coed team cannot take the field with less than 2 females. If a coed team fails to field 4 eddies, that team may play with not more than 9 fielders. If a coed team fails to field 3 females, the 2 females in the field must play a position other than catcher and that team may play with not more than 9 fielders. Managers must specify on their line-up card which player(s) are male (me) and/or female (fe) eddies.
New wording...
LINE-UPS: All coed teams must adhere to the 4-4-3 Rule. The 4-4-3 Rule: 4 eddies must be in the batting line-up and 4 eddies must be in the field at all times. At least 3 of the batting and fielding eddies must be female. Failure to comply will result in a batting out for each infraction. A coed team cannot take the field with less than 2 females. If a coed team fails to field 4 eddies, that team may play with not more than 9 fielders. If a coed team fails to field 3 females, the 2 females in the field must play a position other than catcher and that team may play with not more than 9 fielders. Managers must specify on their line-up card which player(s) are male (me) and/or female (fe) eddies.
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