Quarry 10-8

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Moderator: shaners30

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Quarry 10-8

Post by shaners30 »

Game #1 – Sex Panthers vs. Garges Gang

Keller gets Panthers on the board first with an RBI single which is folloing up by a Kevin Motts RBI single a couple of batters later, giving them a 4-0 lead. No one scores under the top of the third when Panthers add two more. Joe Chapman smacks an RBI triple and Motts nets one on a RBI single. Garges get three runs on RBI singles from Tom P and Luiggy D. Garges then explode with a nine run fourth out of nowhere. Pat had an RBI triple while Tom O and Frank D had back to back two run doubles. Panthers get two runs back on a Chapman 2 run home run. In the end, Garges holds on and take this one. Garges wins 14-9.

Game #2 – The Max Challenge vs. Commission

Commission come out of the gate swinging with four runs right away. Villano and Thompson both had RBI singles. Phil Black added another run for Commission in the second, grabbing a 5-0 lead. Max get three runs back with a single and a couple errors. Commission go right back to work and get eight runs in the third. Padua had a two run triple while Peck added an RBI double. Thompson, Black and Decker added RBI’s in the inning as well. Comission grab six more runs across the fourth and fifth innings. Challenge doesn’t go away getting three runs in the fifth and four runs in the sixth. Friend had two hits across the innings with a single and RBI triple. Friend added a two run triple in the seventh as they mount their comeback. Challenge scores eight runs and gets within one run to tie this game up, but end up falling short in this one. Commission win 19-18.

Game #3 – Vertex vs. Horsham

Pendergast give Horsham an early 3-0 lead after a 3 run bomb right out of the gate. Vertex respond with an RBI single from CJ Snyder. Vertex takes lead in the second after a two run homer from Nonemacher and two run double from Martin. Vertex start to take control of the game with a six run inning thanks to back to back homers from Nonemacher and Crowell. Nonny’s was a three run shot. Vertex put the game away with a bases clearing triple from Beatty and a six run sixth as they will score 12 runs late and win this game comfortably. Vertex wins 18-13. May Nonny Rest in Peace.


Game #4 – Hooligans vs. Outback

Hooligans open up a 5-0 lead early after a two run bomb from Hanna and Koelzer as well as a Beatty RBI double. Outback gets back two runs on a Homka sac fly and Runzer smacks a solo homer. Hooligans get back to it with another bomb from Hanna as well as a Birkhead sac fly. Hooligans take a 9-2 lead. Hooligans get another six runs in the fourth as they continue to hit the ball well. Bitterlich had a two run homer and Hanna added two more RBI’s as well. Hooligans put the game away late adding one more homer off the bat of Birkhead. Outback can’t find anything on the day and will fall in this one. Hooligans win 20-4.
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