Assaulting/Threatening A League Official

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Assaulting/Threatening A League Official

Post by sixofdiamonds »

The charges for a physical attack on an official of a sporting event in the state of Pennsylvania can range as follows:

(a) Aggravated battery, from a second-degree felony to a first-degree felony.
(b) Aggravated assault, from a third-degree felony to a second-degree felony.
(c) Battery, from a first-degree misdemeanor to a third-degree felony.
(d) Assault, from a second-degree misdemeanor to a first-degree misdemeanor.

If convicted, the penalties for a physical attack on an official of a sporting event in the state of Pennsylvania can range as follows:

Felony, first degree: $10,000, 30 years imprisonment.
Felony, second degree: $10,000, 15 years imprisonment.
Felony, third degree: $5,000, 5 years imprisonment.
Misdemeanor, first degree: $1,000, 1 year imprisonment.
Misdemeanor, second degree: $500, 60 days imprisonment.

In the eyes of the Amateur Softball Association, which is extremely protective of its officials, merely threatening an official is a very serious offense and punishable by as much as 5 years-worth of suspension in any and all ASA affiliated leagues and tournaments.

So... the next time you want to knock an umpire's block off, or just threaten to do so, take a moment to think of the consequences beforehand.
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