Offensive Stat Categories

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Offensive Stat Categories

Post by sixofdiamonds »

APP = Plate Appearances. This is the total plate appearances for the player (at-bats + walks + sacrifice flies)

OBP = On Base Percentage (sometimes referred to as On Base Average 'OBA'). This is a measure of how often a batter reaches base for any reason other than a fielding error, fielder's choice, fielder obstruction, or catcher interference (hits + walks + hit-by-pitch) divided by (at bats + walks+ hit-by-pitch + sac flies).

SACF = Sacrifice Fly. This occurs when a runner tags up and scores as a result of a batted fly ball out (or fly ball error if in the judgment of the scorekeeper the runner would have tagged up and scored had the fly ball been caught)

3AVG = 3 Game Average. This is the batting average of a player's last 3 games.

TB = Total Bases. This refers to the number of bases a player has gained with hits. The total is calculated using 1 point for a single, 2 points for a double, 3 points for a triple and 4 points for a home run. Only bases attained from hits count toward this total.

RUNC = Runs Created. This is an estimate of how many runs have resulted from what a player has done with the bat and on the base paths [(total bases) + (walks x .26) + (sac flies x .52)] x on-base percentage.
It is possible for your OBP to be lower than your batting average because sac flies are counted as at-bats when calculating OBP. They are not counted as at-bats when calculating batting average. If you get 1 hit and 1 sac in 2 at-bats, your average is 1000 (1/1), but your OBP is 500 (1/2).

The On Base Percentage statistic was originally created by Branch Rickey and Allan Roth in the 1950's as a means to measure the percentage of times a player reaches any base. It did not originally include the sacrifice fly denomination but when it was officially adapted in 1984 it appeared using the formula written above. It is easily one of the most important statistics and it is specifically written with managers in mind.

Runs created (RUNC) is a baseball statistic invented by Bill James to estimate the number of runs a hitter contributes to his team. James explains in his book, The Bill James Historical Baseball Abstract, why he believes runs created is an essential thing to measure:

With regard to an offensive player, the first key question is how many runs have resulted from what he has done with the bat and on the basepaths. Willie McCovey hit .270 in his career, with 353 doubles, 46 triples, 521 home runs and 1,345 walks -- but his job was not to hit doubles, nor to hit singles, nor to hit triples, nor to draw walks or even hit home runs, but rather to put runs on the scoreboard. How many runs resulted from all of these things? Runs created attempts to answer this question.

Runs Created is a good estimator of how many runs a team should have scored in a given season. When applied to players, it is somewhat less accurate, but still a useful estimator of a player’s actual production.
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