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Hatfield Week 2 9-15-22

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 8:55 pm
by shaners30
Game 1

Sex Panthers vs Carnage

Slow game for sex panthers - scoring 3 runs - 2 in the bottom of the 1st. Lelli and Foct both single - score on Keller triple. Third run came in the 7th on a Foct sac.
Carnage by score alone took this in the 3rd. Lead off error - 3 straight singles RBI king then grany by Graet. King would triple in the 5th scoreing on Garet hit. Wiliams RBI - Few hits and walks in the 6th - Seliga 2 Rbi hit. Hunter RBI. King triples in 2 more in the 7th.

Carnage12 - Sex Panthers 3

Game 2

Dirty Dozen vs Therapy Dogs

Mckesikie hits and Needleman homers for 2 - in the 4th error and single - Carafa doubles scoring 2 more. Therapy Dogs done by 5th.
DD hit from the start and game goes quick. Freeman granny in the first - Amedo doubles in 2 8 runs score. Piggot double RBI In the third Geoargdias double - Akers doubles in 2 - Dart sac - 7 runs score - In the 4th - Freeman double RBI - Shuck homers for 2.

Dirty Dozen 19 - Therapy Dogs 4

Game 3
Davanzo Shift vs Garges Gang

Top 1 Error starts - plunkett hits on and over Delarosa homers for 3. DS get Gryz on with a double and scores on Genuva single and Carson sac brings 1other in. Top 2 Mccalley singles in 1. Bottom 2 2 ingles to start - Hipple hit brings in 2. 2 more singles - Genuva sac Carson Grosh RBis for a 6 run bottom. After the 3rd Garges go cold. Stockso leads off with hit - Delarose homers for 2. Top out at 6. 3 sigles in the 3rd followed by a 2 RBi triple bu Gryz - Finn Rbi - 4 run 3rd. In the 4th - Sahnnon Rbi - Doyle sac - Hamiliton triple plates 2. Perry doubles in 1. Hoipple RBI - Bryz gets another triple for 1 more. Shannon doubles in the 5th as Mcreynolds walks off for 15 run.

Davanzo Shift 21 - Garges Gang 6