Week 3 - Hatfield - 9/14/23

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Moderator: shaners30

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Week 3 - Hatfield - 9/14/23

Post by shaners30 »

Game 1
Dirty Dozen vs Carnage

2 down top 1 error keeps inning alive - to follow Carbut and Carney both single and score 1. Bottom 1 Freeman is on with a walk and Frei 2 batters later homers for the lead. Bott om2nd - Dangelo doubles with 1 down - pigott and dart both single to add 1 run. Carnage stays silent in the 3rd. Bottom - Akers leads off with hit - Freman homers for 2 to extend lead. Top 4walk single and single start inning - 2 outs follow - Groves hits on and scores 1 - Berenbaum clears on a triple to tie game up at 5. Bottom 4 - 2 singles to lead inning dart sac and a gibson homer for 2 adds 3 and the lead taken back. Carnage would get 1 in the 5th but bats go cold after.

Dirty Dozen 9 - Carnage 6

Game 2
Carnage vs Sex Panthers

SP start early with a b2b double and Rbi zajac - rusch on via error keeps inning going - hass singles scoring 1 more for quick 3 lead. Bottom 1 King singles - scores on carney hit - seliga adds rbi for 2nd run. Bottom 3rd - single and Fc have risp - carney adds 2nd rbi with double and a sechowicz sac takes the lead by 1. Top 4 - 2 singles on - Hott homers for 3 to retake lead. Bottom 4 - 2 singles and a King rbi double and mcccauley sac add 2 to tie. Top 5 SP get 3 back on walks and singles. Bottom 5 single by seliga - then 2 outs - 2 singles follow to keep inning alive - king his 1 in on double - e6 adds another runn - Barut RBI to take lead again at 11. Top 6 Rush leads with double - Robinson sac adds 1 - few singles would add 2 more to retake lead by 1 at 12. Bottom 6 - Carnage rolls line up over for a big 8 run splurge - Berenbaum 2 run double - King double - everyoen else touched a bag.
Assuming game called due to time - no 7th inning stats.

Game 3
Davanzo Shift vs Garges Gang

GG gets a 2 run homer from Klline schmidt in the 3 hole to start 1st - Davanzo asnwer with 4 - walks and singles killed that inning as they were 1 hit away from turning it over. Top 2 - 3 straight singles and a Klinsshcmidt granny ad d 4 more to the rbi stats. - Shift again answer with more. 2 singles lead off - Groshc douvbles both them in for 2. walk single and a 2 run hit by Hott leave them up by 3. GG gets 1 in the 3rd on a Fluck double. DS answer again - 3 more in the 3rd - hamilton Rbi double. Hott 2 runs on his single. GG bats do dead silent rest of game. Genua Rbi single in the 4th - Carson Rbi double in the 5th.

Davanzo Shift 18 - Garges Gang 7
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