Men's and Coed League All-Star Restricted Lists / 2024

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Men's and Coed League All-Star Restricted Lists / 2024

Post by sixofdiamonds »

The all-star restricted lists for 2024 have been posted. Under normal circumstances, players would be happy to be on this list, but not so much in this instance. While the names on the lists are indicative of very good ball players, being on the list places restrictions on those players with respect to whether or not they can/will be eligible to play on a given team roster. Teams are restricted to not more than 7 all-stars in the men's leagues and 5 all-stars in the open league. Coed leagues have no all-star limit restriction other than the number of eddies must equal the number of all-stars in the line-up at all times.

Players that are on the men's list are located here... ... or2024.htm
All-stars on this list cannot be petitioned off the list until after they prove themselves unworthy after the 2024 softball year.

The Men's League All-Star Restricted List / Current Status list is located here... ... ns2024.htm
This list is a culmination of all-stars since league inception. Players on this list may or may not be eligible to be petitioned off the list. If a player is on the all-star list as a result of merits achieved in a year prior to last year and that player qualified (36 AB's) last year and failed to achieve all-star status, a manager may petition the league in writing to have that player released from the list. In other words, a player must prove they do not belong on the list by qualifying for and not achieving all-star ranking in a year following their being named an all-star. Regardless of subsequent player production, once all-star status is achieved, the all-star will remain such unless formally petitioned for and granted release.

Any men's league player listed as an all-star whose all-star status was derived STRICTLY from men's B league numbers shall NOT be considered an all-star in the men's A league. Any coed league player listed as an all-star whose all-star status was derived STRICTLY from coed B league numbers shall NOT be considered an all-star in the coed A league. This will NOT HOLD TRUE for men's B league all-stars playing in the coed league. Any men's B league all-star shall be considered a coed all-star in any coed league.

Per league rules: Softball America shall reserve the right to change a new member's status from season to season if, in the judgment of the league, that member is of obvious all-star ranking. Such was the case with Vinny Catagnus. Vinny played only the fall season last year and did not qualify with enough at-bats, but his reputation precedes him and he will play the 2024 season as an all-star.

Players that are on the coed list are located here... ... or2024.htm
All-stars on this list cannot be petitioned off the list until after they prove themselves unworthy after the 2024 softball year.

The Coed League All-Star Restricted List / Current Status list is located here... ... ed2024.htm
This list is a culmination of all-stars since league inception. Player on this list may or may not be eligible to be petitioned off the list if that player has NOT become an all-star on last year's merits. If a player is on the all-star list as a result of merits achieved in a year prior to last year and that player qualified (36 AB's) last year and failed to achieve all-star status, a manager may petition the league in writing to have that player released from the list. In other words, a player must prove they do not belong on the list by qualifying for and not achieving all-star ranking in a year following their being named an all-star. Regardless of subsequent player production, once all-star status is achieved, the all-star will remain such unless formally petitioned for and granted release.

Any men's league player listed as an all-star whose all-star status was derived STRICTLY from men's B league numbers shall NOT be considered an all-star in the men's A league. Any coed league player listed as an all-star whose all-star status was derived STRICTLY from coed B league numbers shall NOT be considered an all-star in the coed A league. This will NOT HOLD TRUE for men's B league all-stars playing in the coed league. Any men's B league all-star shall be considered a coed all-star in any coed league.

With help from Greg Thompson, Bill Shipe, and Ryan Russell, the current formula used to produce the all-star lists was amended at the start of the 2019 softball year. The new formula produces a very fair and balanced indication of league talent by using Runs Created divided by Games Played. It's a number that is easily produced, highly transparent and available for examination by anyone at any time. There is little left to the imagination. The only variable is the cut-off point which is also pretty cut and dry. The top 10% of all prior year men's league players is the men's league cut-off point for the current year. The top 10% of all prior year coed league players is the coed league cut-off point for the current year. There is little to question hence little to debate.

A small handful of teams despise the list because it puts pressure on them to stay within the all-star limits. These are the teams that have a tendency to build monster squads which results in unbalanced competition. I do understand the argument about breaking up teams, but that pales in comparison to the argument for better competition league wide.
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Re: Men's and Coed League All-Star Restricted Lists / 2024

Post by Bull69 »

So then when a team picks up a player
Like Pendergast for example and he hits
6-700 with multiple hr and rbis in spring he should then become an all star for remainder of year ????
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Re: Men's and Coed League All-Star Restricted Lists / 2024

Post by sixofdiamonds »

Not necessarily. The player has to have a reputation that precedes him. Such was the case with Ryan Parfitt. He came into the league from Norristown and was either given all-star status upon entry or after 1 season. I can't remember which.
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Re: Men's and Coed League All-Star Restricted Lists / 2024

Post by sixofdiamonds »

Norristown has a slew of highly talented ball players that have never played in SBA. Without some sort of governor in place, there would be nothing to stop a team from inserting one or two of these studs into their already all-star studded line-up without penalty. Undoubtedly, that team would become obnoxiously unbeatable. Opposing teams would cry foul and have every right to do so.

I've reached out to Sully 'Heels' Gelet (Norristown League Commissioner) in the past regarding the talent level of a particular league member and he has been very honest and forthright.

My job as league director is to maintain control of the balance of power in each and every league. While it may be an inexact science, I do the best I can with the tools I have at my disposal.
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