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Courtesy Runner Rule

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2024 12:05 pm
by sixofdiamonds
Over the past month or so, league umpires have noticed an obvious abuse of the courtesy runner rule.

The rule as written states...

COURTESY RUNNERS: A team at bat may use a courtesy runner for a player in need providing that player bats for him/herself and reaches base safely. Any batter using a courtesy runner cannot legally advance beyond 1B on any batted ball other than an over-the fence home run, ground-rule double, or out of play situation where extra bases are awarded by the umpire. If the batter/runner rounds 1B or attempts to move on to another base, that batter/runner shall be liable to be put out. Any successful advance beyond 1B will be nullified and the batter/runner will be returned to 1B. Managers must specify on their line-up card before the start of the game which player(s) will need courtesy runners. If a courtesy runner is used, then one must be used for that player for the remainder of the game. Players 60 years of age or beyond need not be courtesy runners if that is their choice; however, this must also be declared on the line-up card before the start of the game. The courtesy runner will be the last player to make an out, regardless of their status, whether as a result of an at-bat or on the base paths. Teams shall be limited to 2 courtesy runners (2 players for the entire game). If an injury to a player occurs during a game and a courtesy runner is needed, a manager may petition the umpire for exception to the rule. Any player using a courtesy runner may not play a position in the field other than 1st, 3rd, pitcher, or catcher.

Without having a medical staff along with an MRI at the ball field, no umpire can be absolutely certain that a player petitioning for a courtesy runner during a game has not become injured or ill after getting on base. Refusing that player his/her request for a runner may not be in the best interest of that player. Allowing a runner for that player may not be in the best interest of the opposing team, especially late in a close game where a player/manager might attempt to gain an unfair advantage by replacing a slow runner with a faster one.

To protect the opposing team from courtesy runner abuse late in the game and to deter the requesting team from gaining an unfair advantage, the following rule addition will become effective immediately. Any player that petitions the game umpire for a runner in the 5th, 6th, or 7th inning of a game, the umpire will have the right to assign that player a courtesy runner of the umpire's choice.

League rules have been amended to reflect this addition.

Re: Courtesy Runner Rule

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 2:31 pm
by blouderback
I assume the rule that pertains to players 60 and over would still be in effect, meaning, that the 60+ player can choose NOT to be that courtesy runner if the umpire chooses him/her.

Re: Courtesy Runner Rule

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 2:32 pm
by blouderback
And, this is a good addition to the rule.

Re: Courtesy Runner Rule

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 3:50 pm
by sixofdiamonds
Yes, the 60+ rule remains unaffected.